joi, 26 mai 2011


There is magic in this world. 
There's that second of vibration of a guitar string that has escaped from the fingers of a man in love to give the perfect sound for the ears of his beloved one. 
There are perfect mornings when you wake up and your baby, awake for some seconds before you, is waiting for you to open your eyes so you can see him smiling just because you were there when he woke up. 
There is music... like Barcarolle from the Tales of Hoffman, where notes come like sun rays, caressing you, like Aegean waves, refreshing you, like summer wind, surprising you,  like gracious swans on a lake, capturing you, like flames, burning you! 
There is Zamfir and his pan flute to transform Barcarolle into three minutes to die for. 
There is beauty, pure and unaltered, when the hands of the artist shape the clay and make it vibrant work of art.  
There is hot sand to be felt under my toes, clear water to plunge into. 
There is a perfect hug that's worth travelling thousands of miles to get it. 
There is friendship that transforms simple days in unforgettable moments. 
There are mothers that love us no matter what. 
Because there is magic in this world.

marți, 24 mai 2011


I must make a PhD on the issue, as I seem to have so much study material around. But I might have to go deeper, further than just exposing it, as it has so many layers. 
Today it is about the Hypocrite-trying-to-fool-the-others-by-insulting-their-IQ-Ignorant. 

Where can HttftobitiI be met? In leading positions. 
Why do people enter in contact with him? Because he was set in a high position by the Council of Absolute Ignorants. 
What is his task? To try and in some cases even to succeed convincing other people that they should live for the sole purpose of feeding themselves while being happy about it as if it was the biggest achievement of all. 
He likes: obedient ignorants. 
He dislikes: non-obedient smart people. 
Characteristics: shows little or no understanding for people's intellectual needs. Has poor understanding of arts, culture and of the importance of cultural differences. Claims to go for treating people equally and promoting cultural diversity while, in fact, aims to erase the cultural identity of each individual. He has reached a mediocre level of self-sufficiency in his intellectual performance which disables him to understand other people's need to constantly increase their knowledge and improve their understanding of the world. Has no shame or respect for others. He is convinced he is at his best and no other being could reach him, which is why he ignores any suggestion, even a good one, that does not match his preset brain functions. 
How to treat him? With no fear as he feeds on it and grows in power. There is always a better life option than living by his rules. But beware, he might claim innocence and ingenuity just to convince you to let your defense down. 
And a personal touch: spit on him. 
Oh, how rude of me... I beg your pardon! Or not... :)

miercuri, 18 mai 2011

Mary and the colors

It's one of those days. Grey and rainy. With a damn cold wind... just the sound of it, heard through the window makes me wanna go and cuddle in my cozy bed, in Bruno's arms, watching Rafael sleeping so peacefully. It's one of those afternoons when I would just stick my hand and my forehead to the window, happy that I am indoors, listening to pan's flute. I am taking lazy jumps between websites on the internet, trying to find color. Here it is.

She is my friend, an artist. Enjoy her work. I am the happy owner of a collage note card.

joi, 12 mai 2011

Omu' prost

Am cunoscut oameni care nu merită să irosești un neuron din propria materie cenușie pentru a le dovedi absența oricărei cantități de materie de aceeași culoare din globurile diforme ce li se sprijină pe gât. Mărturisesc însă că nu a fost întotdeauna ușor să îmi salvez neuronul respectiv. Ignoranța îmbracă atâtea forme... iar zeii sunt toți orbi. Sau nu există. Îmi vine în minte Blindness, filmul realizat după cartea lui Saramago. Cartea e și mai bună, dar nici de film nu mă plâng, am fost mută pentru o bună bucată de timp de la vizionare. 
Ce să faci când ai de a da piept în piept cu ignoranța în fiecare zi? Cu ce o combați, cum o elimini, cum o transformi? Și nu vorbesc de naivitate, ori de ignoranța lejeră ce e deseori amuzantă, ci despre Ignoranța aceea ce distruge tot frumosul ce îi iese în cale pentru simplul fapt că e incapabilă de a-l produce, Ignoranța ce se hrănește cu pizmă și frustrare provenite din propria incapacitate de a produce calitate și standarde înalte. Sugestii?

vineri, 6 mai 2011


Cafeaua mea de fiecare zi e Dilema Veche. Îmi trezește mintea. Nu o citesc toată când apare, am grijă să îmi asigur un articol pentru fiecare zi. Pe lângă că îmi stimulează materia cenușie, mă mai și scoate din scaunul de birou ce îmbie mai mult la trândăveală decât la concentrare. Și mă pune să gândesc, să mă revolt, să scriu. Și eu când scriu, zbor. Atât.